1885 - Petition to Remove Head Teacher

18 Mar - School Board Petition 1  
14 Apr -  Petition 2
April 22nd - Ex teacher letter
May 2nd - Second Ex teacher letter
May 5th - letter from Emma Anderson, to Inspector Rix
7th May - Arthur Welshman – Application for Transfer
May 12th - letter from Emma Anderson, to Inspector Rix
May 13th - Emma Anderson - Petition Rebuttal
Another letter to Inspector Rix from Emma Anderson
28 May - Inspector Rix's Summary
28 May - Inspector Rix's Detailed Report
Maria Stone's Statement
Brainard Stone's Statement
Jane Michell statement
Edwin Knight statement
Emma Anderson - Rebuttal on Class Contents and School Cleanliness
Two Miscellaneous Documents
10th August - Arthur Welshman – change of mind


18th March - School Board Petition 1

The Yackandandah School Board of Advice

We the undersigned residants of "Hillsboro", do hereby petition to the said "Board" to have the School Teacher o f "Hillsboro" (Mrs Anderson) removed as we condered she in not a fit and proper person, to instruct children, on account of the disgracefull state of the school in "dirt & filth". and the children are not progressing in their learning as they ought.

J.A.Michell, Rebecca Knight, John Ralph, Arthur Clingin, Hance McGowan, Mary Paull, B H Stone, WB Mitchell, Jane Crawford             Image

14th April, 1885 Petition 2

The Minister of the "Education Department"
We the undersigned residents of "Hillsboro" do hereby petition to the "Minister " of "Education" for the removal of "Mrs Anderson" the State School Teacher (No 889) as we consider, she is not a fit & proper person to instruct our children.  As  we have 30 children under 15 years of age, we are entitled to a "Male"Tacher" and we wish an inspector of Schools sent, when we will state our trouble more fully.
We are sir,   Yours obdt.
Thos Andw Michell, Rebecca Knight, Mary Paull, Hance McGowan, John Ralph, H.B.Stone,  Arthur Clingin, WB Mitchell
Some notes have been added in pencil beside two of the names (possibly by the inspector):
Hance McGowan - stepfather of Arthur Welshman
WB Mitchell - no children at school, youngest 21 years.                                               Image

April 22nd - Ex teacher letter

State School
Longwarry East
via Lardner
Mrs Anderson,
Dear Madam,
    During the holidays I had the pleasure of meeting teachers from your locality and during some conversations about Hillsborough they mentioned that the person whom I recommended to you for a "Workmistrress" had been making himself very unpleasant.  Should he or any of his neighbours take it upon themselves to complain when the Inspector pays you a visit for results, you can send to me if necessary and I shall be very happy to aid you by testifying that when I was there they were always making unreasonable complaints - in fact they considered me too strict.  I can also testify that some of them would not buy the necessary books though well able to do so.
I shall aid you in any way I can for I think teachers should combine more than they do in these cases and others.  Our vocation is quite hard enough without being pestered with unreasonable complaints from parents.
    I am sorry your eyes are so bad but I hope they will soon be well again..........................                      
Iimages :     Page 1 of Letter        Page 2 of Letter 
(This part of the letter to Mrs Anderson is submitted as evidence to the inspector and head office in Melb. The “Workmistres” referred to is Thomas Andrew Michell, apparently because he boasted about how good he was at all tasks)

May 2nd - Second Ex teacher letter

A second similar letter from the same teacher. Not sure who he is?               Iimages :     Page 1 of Letter        Page 2 of Letter 

May 5th - letter from Emma Anderson, to Inspector Rix

Images      Page 1    Page 2    Page 3   Page 4   Page 5   Page 6 

7th May, 1885  Arthur Welshman – Application for Transfer

Quotation from letter written by Mr Arthur Welshman Head Teacher of Back Creek School, No 2025 to Mrs Emma Anderson (HT 889) and handed in to me by her as evidence.
H.Rix (inspector)
Mrs Anderson
    During my recent frequent visits to Hillsborough I heard that you were anxious for transfer and I have a similar desire.  I now take the liberty of offering to exchange schools with you.  I would be glad of an exchange in this neighbourhood as thereby I could, in the event of being appointed where I had no desire to go, plead having recently made a transfer.  I have been here over 7 years and may consequently expect a transfer and during that long period have not had the slightest bother with any of the parents etc.
    Yours respectfully
        AC Welshman                                              Image of Letter

May 12th - letter from Emma Anderson, to Inspector Rix

Emma Anderson – Mrs Maria Stone
(Part of a letter from teacher Emma Anderson, to Inspector Rix)
H.Rix, Esq.
    I take the liberty of writing and hope it may not reach you too late for your report - Dear, Sir, I think even you will allow that in common justice when the children's word is accepted against the Teacher's at least you should know something of the parents so as to judge somewhat of the home training.  The chief witnesses against me yesterday were the Stones and their parents are not respectable even.
    Mrs Ralph was a fellow servant of Mrs Stones years ago and in her own language she said "Its well known Stone is not married to her, he can't if he would for she's married already to a man called Noonan - was last heard of at Chiltern.  Her children and his are all in the Industrial Schools and she sometimes gets letter from there addressed through this Office to Maria Noonan, but she took up with two or three men before she picked up with Stone and she's stuck to him."
    I think a good one to prove that assertion to your satisfaction is Mr Frank Vale who has been here among them for ten years.  I don't know him in the least but it does seem so hard to have my character taken away by those who have none to lose, that I shall try to prove the truth of my statements yesterday in every possible way.
    I could not prove what I did not know, and although suspecting falsehood it was quite impossible for me to guess the nature of it.
    I wrote to Mr Jamieson to engage a servant for me as the one I had in Gippsland would not come so far away.  He engaged Amelia Stone, at 6/- per week. 
    Mr Wilberforce, an old resident of Hillsborough (of I think 28 years) met me at Beechworth, and brought me out here.  While on the road he told me the girl I was getting was a bird from a bad nest.  I afterwards learned by Mrs Ralph and Mrs McGowan coming to interview me the 1st Sunday I was here what he meant.....................

(Mr Frank Vale and Mr Jamieson were previous teachers at Hillsborough)

May 13th - Emma Anderson - Petition Rebuttal

Hillsborough 889
Henry Rix Esq
                 (Extract from letter)
    But to return to Hillsborough Mr. W.B. Mitchell has another charge against me or fancies he has, for, I usurp the place of two of his daughters. (At least, they say so) although it is most unintentionally done on my part - Certainly I do occupy the residence which belongs of right (so they say), to Mrs A. Welshman and I am unfortunately a rival singer to the single daughter Miss Minnie Mitchell.  They are all Salvationist I am not one, and when Mr Howe asked me to lead the singing for him (as he objects to the Salvation tunes) I did so, little thinking what a hornets nest I was bringing about my ears but; when people are anxious to annoy, a very little serves as an excuse......It looks a little like egotism praising myself so much but fortunately you can so easily prove all I say, as no doublet Mr Howe is well known to you.  I must add, the Services are not held here but up in the Presbyterian Church next to the Post Office.
    Emma Anderson

Another letter to inspector Rix from Emma Anderson

Not sure when this was written. It is quite a long letter. The practice of writing at 90 degrees over the top of the first page of writing was apparently used at the time as a paper saving measure. But you might have found some extra paper when writing to your inspector at such a critical time?
Images      Page 1    Page 2    Page 3   Page 4   Page 5   Page 6  
Page 7   Page 8    Page 9    Page 10 

28 May - Inspector Rix's Summary

    Supports Mrs Anderson       Image of Summary

28 May - Inspector Rix's Detailed Report

Images :          Page 1         Page 2         Page 3

Maria Stone's Statement

Statement given by Maria Stone, a 14 year old student in 6th Class..            Image

Brainard Stone's Statement

Statement given by Brainard Stone, a 11 year old student in 4th Class..            Image

Jane Michell statement

I Jane Michell, 14 in September last, was in the 6th class when I left school in February last.  I learnt the towns of Africa, America and Asia since Mrs Anderson came.  Have been kept at home since I left because father wanted me.  Our lesson used to be disturbed by Mrs Anderson's children running about the school, nearly every day, both before and since Xmas.  Have never seen any other children running about - am sure. Rosetta Paul never came when I was attending, only since.  Have seen unpleasant things done by Violet Anderson - usually near hat room door, two or three times before and since Xmas. Once on the last day I attended at hat room door as I came in I spoke to Maria Stone about it.  Never saw nor heard of its happening in this room. Have in the mornings seen the dirt swept under the desks once or twice - on nearly every other morning the dust was swept out at the hat room door. The room was swept out every morning.  Have seen the room as at present on Monday mornings, every other Monday.  The dust was raised as we marched across the room.
Jane Michell                                                Image     Page 1          Page 2

Edwin Knight statement

    I, Edwin Knight, 12 years in July next, have been in the 6th class since just after the examination.  Have since we came into this class had ???????? of the world, towns of NSW and Victoria.  Don't remember learning towns of Asia and America in 5th class.  The only noise made in the school which disturbed our lesson was the first class children jumping up and down in their place.  Has never seen any children running about the school.  Have seen Rosetta Paul go a little way from her sister and come back.  Have seen Violet and Percy Anderson running about the room two or three times a week.  Percy was running about the school most of his time.  Have never seen the room as clean as at present.  The dust was usually swept, but at front or back door but sometimes under the gallery, from the part near to gallery - dust was never swept under the desks.  Have seen Violet Anderson do unpleasant things near the hat room door while we were in school just before Mrs Anderson went to Melbourne, altogether about 5 times - most before Xmas.  Did not hear Amelia Ralph ask to go out before she did the same last week.
    Edwin John Knight.                                                                              Image of Statement

Emma Anderson - Rebuttal on Class Contents and School Cleanliness


Two Miscellaneous Documents

Martha Morrison was employed by Mrs Anderson.
No reply from Amelia Stone Page 1        Page 2

10th August, 1885  Arthur Welshman – change of mind

Back Creek, Yackandandah
Hillsborough School no. 889
    I have the honor to request that my application for the postiion of Head Teacher of the above named school may be withdrawn.
    I have the honor to be
        Your most obedient servant,


I am  indebted to Ronda Shambrook for supplying the above material

Page last updated -  2025