South East Cornwall

Albaston Map Ref 20A
Bere Ferres is current spelling was Bere/Beer Ferris (Map Ref 20B)
Calstock is 8 m N of Plymouth and right on the Devon/Cornwall border, and Bere Ferris 4 m N of Plymouth (Map Ref 20B)
Devonport is map ref  20C
Stoke Climsland is map ref  19A
North Hill is map ref  18A
South Hill is map ref  19A
Venterdon and Whiteford are near Stoke Climsland (see map below) . Note they feature prominently in Hawton family history, yet to be written up.
St Ann  (Map Ref  6B20 near Cargreen)  (see map below)


          18             19             20





Scale : One map square is six miles

Venterdon and Whiteford

Scale : One map square is one kilometer


St Ann


If you have additions or corrections to this page, please contact us     Bones in the Belfry home page     Page last updated -  11 Apr 2006