Contact Us
A few points that will get a discussion off to a flying start
(1) Most of the information we have is up on the web page, though
the web page contains only our direct ancestors, and is missing a
lot of detail. We have lots of other stuff.
(2) We have family tree maker
(3). It would help to know details of how you connect to the
particular family to avoid sending a lot of junk. I am always
happy to receive GED files or other information.
(4) We assume you found us via Google? Please
let us know, as it helps us reply
(5) We are in Melbourne, Australia
(6) Our connection is easily found from the web page. Every page
cascades down to our grandparents
Merrill Winifred Emma Farr and Norman Thompson
Herbert Oscar Smalley and Annie Tippett
Les Ernest Harold Mitchell and
Liela Muriel Roach
Joseph Smart Rowley and Eircell Broome
We can be emailed at
Please use both links if you can, as we will
both be interested in your query
Bones in the Belfry home page
page last updated 2025