Hillsborough School Staffing 1881

1 Feb 1881 - Mary Welshman applying for Sewing mistress position
7 Feb 1881 - Arthur Welshman applies for position at School
24 Mar 1881 - Mrs Vale's resignation as sewing mistress
8 Apr 1881 - Frank Vale forwards application for Sewing Mistress by Mary Welshman
12 May 1881 - Mary Welshman accepts position of Workmistress
23 May 1881 - Frank Vale Letter
30 Aug 1881 - Arthur Welshman applies for Head Teacher Position
16 Sep 1881 - Arthur Welshman Enlists Uncle as Lobbyist for Position
28 Sep 1881 - Arthur's Uncle Lobbies his MLA
1 Oct 1881 - Note to PB Wallace from MLA

1 Feb 1881 - Mary Welshman applying for Sewing mistress position

Mary Welshman writers to Department of Education applying for Sewing mistress position about to occur at Hillsborough                       Image of Letter

7 Feb 1881 - Arthur Welshman applies for position at School

The Secretary
Education Department, Melbourne
Hillsborough School No 889
    Hearing that the Head Teacher of the above named school is shortly to be removed, I have the honor to make application for the vacant position in the event of his removal.
I have the honour to be
Sir, Your obedient Servant
A.C.Welshman                                                                                                 Image of Letter

24 Mar 1881 - Mrs Vale's resignation as sewing mistress

Frank Vale forwards letter to Department of Education notifying Mrs Vale's resignation as sewing mistress effective 1 Apr 1881                 Image of Letter

8 Apr 1881 Frank Vale forwards application for Sewing Mistress by Mary Welshman

              Image of Letter

12 May 1881 - Mary Welshman accepts position of Workmistress

Mary Welshman in Hillsborough writes letter accepting position of Workmistress offered in Department of Education letter dated 10 May 1881.
Date stamped 13 may 1881 in Department of Education.                     Image of Letter
The postal performance and the administrative turnaround implied by this letter is extrordinary, given Hillsboro's position high in rugged bush 12 miles from Yackandandah.
This is followed by a letter from Frank Vale confirming Mary has commenced work, dated 13 May, time stamped 14 May by the education department in Melbourne
             Image of Letter

23 May 1881 - Frank Vale Letter

The Hon. G.B. Kerford M.L.A.
Parliament House
    Some short time ago Mr John Mathieson of Stanley, mentioned that the Department purpose removing the present teacher "Mr Kelly" of the Melbourne Road S. School to some other position, if this be true, I wish you would kindly use your influence, and get me the position.
    I have been nearly 8 years in my present school, and during that or any previous time I have never had one adverse report recorded against me.
    During the time I've been here, my family have never had good health, and in view of that I've written to the Department time after time - but with the usual result "Your application will be considered in due course".
    Finding I could obtain no relief in that quarter, I've been compelled to give up Mrs Vale's position as Sewing Mistress, and remove her and family to Beechworth, where if the family do not obtain good health, they are, at least, near medical advice.
    The peculiar hardship of this removal are threefold.
................. in pocket, pay double rent, and have to ride 120 miles per week in order to attend to my daily duties.
    This latter I consider singularly harsh.  Some years ago, I met with an accident that cost me a leg, you therefore easily understand I cannot ride as well, or as comfortably as here to fore.
    Now as to the comparative merits of the two schools.
    The allotment is the same, the rent is higher, and the percentage lower than at this school.  But I am willing to take that school, on account of nearness to medical advice.
    With many apologies for having to trouble you, and trusting you will do what you can for me,
        I am,
            Yours Obediently
            Frank Vale

30 Aug 1881 - Arthur Welshman applies for Head Teacher Position

Back Creek
The Secretary
Education Department, Melbourne
Hillsborough School No 889
    As I understand that the Head Teacher of the above named school is seeking for removal, I have the honor to make application for the vacant position in the event of his removal taking place
I have the honour to be
Yours obedient Servant
A.C.Welshman                                                   Image of Letter

16 Sept 1881 - Arthur Welshman Enlists Uncle as Lobbyist for Position

Back Creek
My dear Uncle
    You will no doubt be surprised at receiving a letter from me, but my excuse for writing to you is as follows:- The attendance at my school Back Creek No 2025 is very low at preset; the Head Teacher of the Hillsborough Schgool No 889 is seeking a transfer and I am desirous of obtaining his position, If you have any influence with the Minister of Publick Instruction and would kindly use it in my favourI would be greatly obliged. Hoping that you will do your best for me
I am
Yours sincerely
A.C.Welshman                                              Image of Letter                              

28 Sep 1881 - Arthur's Uncle Lobbies his MLA

105 King St
P B Wallace Esq MLA
Dear Sir
    I shall take it as a personal favour if you will see Mr ?olam to whom I am slightly known and ask him to give the appointment as desired by my nephew, as I know he is a thououghly good man and well suited for the place. Your kind attention to this will greatly oblige
I am yours faithfully
William Welshman                                   Image of Letter                         
This letter written by Arthur Welshman to his uncle William Welshman was amongst the school correspodence file stuff. (Ronda) 

1 October 1881 - Note to PB Wallace from MLA

Inform Mr Wallace that in the event of a vacancy occurring in No 889 recommendation of Mr Welshman will be considered as favourably as possible
                          Image of Letter            


I am  indebted to Ronda Shambrook for supplying the above material.

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