1871 Further Correspondence
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"To the Editors of the Pioneer.-Dear :Brethren.-Having been called upon to testify `,?to a fact stated in Brother Hamill's letter to the Pioneer, relative to myself, I beg to say that I any the person whum Mr. Martin and D1r. Mcllaster pressed for about three hours to believe with them that the wicked would cease to exist, and Brother Hamill has stated the fact in the Pioneer just as he received it from myself, Sister Holman, and another Sister, who here place their names in proof tlier2of.-\VILLIIDI HOLDLIN.


1. This, we presume, rr'ill be sufficient to put the matter to rest so far as Brother H.'s letter is concerned. I-i~,rc you have the testimony of a goodly number of brethren from the five Churches, who state that the action was

one of era's and ca1111.11ess. But Fetter No. G shores to what extremes men will go when OnCC they bet false ideas into their heads. What folly to spend hours to convince a lnau to acecpt the erroneous notion that the wished kill " cease to e.l'ist.'' It is very douUtful whether 1)r. Thomas, who was excluded from the Glllll'l'.11 111 tllllel'1('a, CVC1' (11(l, 11'11110 11 the Church in LT.S., manifest d0 TYlll('h ''/.Cfll for I)eStrll('t10111sI11 as these friends at Dawson Street. Though Dr. Thomas has the honor, as some say-rather, r1'c would say, (li~honor­of reviving this infidel (lObllla 111 1110dCT11 times, still he seemed to have at least some tact in propagating this pernicious doctrine. Dr. Thomas will long be remembered ,for the evil he did to the cause of our blessed Saviour in America and ill Great Britain. We r1'olll(1 not disturb his ashes, but we would beseech the brotllcrlloo(1 to guard well the cause from the pernicious evils of Son t-s1eclnn,jaan and Dcstru('.tionisln or Aunihilationism, which the Doctor advocated.

We have confidence in our brethren, who labor in word and doctrine, that they will (lo their (lnfy ill keeping t.llc Churches from this miserable dogma­annihilation. `1'llou,'h it requires much firmness to heap close to the Gospel, yet by the ;'rare of God we will do all in our power to extend the cause of Christ, in opposition to every species of error, whether ancient or modern, whether from within or from without.. '1'}lounll it gives us great pain, rcc must " withdraw' from every brother who rralhs disorderly," or r1'c must give up our plea for a return to the Word of God in all matters of faith and prac­tice. '\Vc cram no isnl-we simply 'want the truth of Jesus in all things. \Vo are pleading for a retcu'n to the apostolic tea('}llllb 111 faith, practice, and Ppirit. It is not cuollbh to hold the cc'l~ol c' trestle in our nliud7 and in addition have a sectarian spii•it, l,ct every ollc sece to it that the Lord is honored ill cell things ; that all worship Hinl in sprit and lu ti•lctJt.

In these (lays, 1r•hc11 lncn do not believe the SarZOllr when He says the wished shall go away " into crcrlasi ills; (eternal) 1ninishrncnt,' let every one who spcahs concerning the destine of the wicked, speak as Christ and His Apostles spohc. Knowing ills " terror of the Lord,' let us peride men tell them of '' erlastiuri (eternal) huuisllnlent ;" of the state '' where their rearm Il1Ct11 11Ut, an(1 the fire i5 nut (1U1I1(lICd, and such like expressions in the \Tr11• 'l'csl~tmcllt. Let, us not use expressions all this subject which are not fOllll(1 111 1110 New' T('StaIllCllt. At the same t1111C 11'0 must give no quarter to Destructiollists or A1lnihi.lationists.

.DIV111C 1Jl('SSlllti, fl'Qlll t}1C Call effects of 11113 C'1'I'uIICOIIa teaching. `

Hcrc r1•c must laid adieu to our 1)ar1.5011 S11•e+ct friends, praying that th _1' may turf frulLl the evil alid return tip '' tllc ul(1 p:d hs " of t rut Ii, and rejoice wit Ii lls O11('C 11141.0 lll 1110 Gospel. G. f:;e

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