Will of William Martin of
Spratton in the county of Northamptonshire, taylor, being weak of
body but of sound and perfect mind and memory, praise be therefore,
give to Almighty God etc
I give to my wife Grace all that half quarters of a yard land which
my father John Martin gave unto me being in the field of spratton
and all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, during the term of
her natural life and after her decease I give the same half quarters
of a yardland unto my two youngest sons William and Peter share and
share alike.
Item I will that my son John shall give unto my daughter Grace £3 to
be paid at decease of said wife. If daughter Grace dies before this
with no heirs son John shall give said £30 to my youngest sons
William and Peter.
Residue of personal estate to loving wife Grace, sole executive
signed 8th March 1 William Martin
witnesses Henry Gammage, X William Frost, John Hobey
8th April 1732 probate granted to Grace Martin
Inventory of Wm Martin, taylor
Money in his person and apparel
10/ 0
In the first room - brass, pewter items, tables, chairs and
firegrate and other utensils £3 / 0l 0
In the parlour - One bedstead, bedding and drawers and one table and
£1 /18/6
In the shop room tables and other lumber
8 / 6
In the buttery 2 barrells and lumber 7 / 6
In the chamber over the fire room one bedstead with bedding, one
£3 /9/6
thrasher, malt and other lumber
Item in the chamber over the parlour, 2 bedsteads with bedding,
£4/0 / 6
chest and chairs
In the barn, grain unthrasht
£1/01/ 0
2 horses
2 cows
1 pigg
Items from the shop
one cart, one plough, pne harrow and other implements of
£4 /0/ 6
house timber and firewood
£1/ 0 /0
Item dung in the yard
£1/ 0/ 0
Item, the crop growing
£14/0/ 0
Approved at Spratton, april 1st 1732
Indente 13 April 1715
between William Martin of Spratton, taylor, and Jonathan Soling of
Coome, Warwickshire yeoman and Peter Martin of Hollowell,
5l- paid to wm Martin on sale to second parties of cottage,
tenements + appurtenances situate in Spratton , late in tenure of Wm
Martin, his assigns or undertenants, which cottage Wm Martin lately
purchased to him and his heirs for ever from John alien the elder of
spratton cordwayner and Mary (Allen) his wife and John alien the
younger of Spratton cordwayner. Also several pieces and parcels of
arable lad and ley meadows and pasture within the parish fields,
liberties etc of Spratton, late in tenure or occuation
of which said quarters of a yardland said Wm
Martin lately purchased to him and to his heirs for ever from his
brother John Martin, plus houses, outhouses, outbuildings, barns,
stables, yards, orchards, etc
sold to Jonathan Sodin and Peter Martin
sealed and delivered
witnesses Thomas Lucas, Eliz Lucas
a true copy of the original lease examined 6 February 1821
The above transaction is part of the preparation for the provision
of a dower for Grace Smith on the occasion of her marriage to
William Martin, Taylor of Spratton in 1715
Most of the material on the Martins comes from Glenis Crocker, with
help from Robyn Lawther and Helen Millward. Glenis's material
prepared for the Martin reunion she organised has been quoted
directly here. They have traced the family back to the 16th century,
by a lot of detective work on old wills.
Also Len Martin produced an excellent book on Charles Henry
Martin, Hannah Martin's brother
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to this page, please contact us
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