Eliza's Petition for George's Assignment

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His Excellency General Ralph Darling
Govenor and Commander in Chief
The Petition of Eliza Onslow
    That your excellencys Petitioner is a native of this colony, and who, as well as her family, as is attested underneath, has always borne an irreproachable character, has lately been married by Banns, in the Church of St Phillips by the Rev Mr Cowper, to a prisoner of the Crown – an industrious young man of the name of George Onslow, who came by the ship Hindostan, in the year 1821, and who has since so conducted himself as to obtain the approbation of his superiors of every class in the colony.
    Your Excelency’s Petitioner most humbly presumes to solicit the indulgence heretofore usually granted in such cases, - that of having her husband assigned to her off stores, and she shall as is duty bound, ever pray
        Eliza Onslow
Sydney 13 Feb 1826

We hereby certify that we know Wm Davis(Cuttler) an old inhabitant of this colony, anf Father of Eliza, wife of George Onslow. He an honest painstaking industrious character, and has always trained up his Family to virtuous habits. His Daughter Eliza we believe to be worthy of the indulgence she solicits
            Thos Bates

Eliza Onslow Solicits the favour to be allowed a Government servant. I am not aware of any irregularity in the conduct of Mrs Onslow, lately married, or of her husband
            Wliiam Cowper 


This was received from Geoff Onslow


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