According to your website Mary Hawton,
daughter of Nicholas and Jane Hawton, was born in
1616...........but Mary Hawton is referred to in Nicholas's
will of 1611...............?
You also refer to John and Christina
Hawton as being the parents of George Hawton. I would be
interested in the evidence for this ( there seem to have been
other John Hawtons around at the time? ), I am particularly
interested in George as I am a descendant of his and have been
puzzling over his origins
on and off for 30 years or so!
I'm afraid
I'm not in a position to send you a copy of the will, but
it's contents are clear. Mary is unambiguously referred to.
I suppose there could have been an earlier Mary who died?
As for
George, CL Clowes of the Duchy Office noted in the 1920's
that the parents of George are not clear from the Parish
Register. There doesn't seem to be any indication either in
what remains of the Bishop's
Transcripts. George is not mentioned in any extant will that
I am aware of.
If anyone can send me a transcript of the will or further evidence I
will add it here