In the name of god Amen I Johnne Martyn of spratton (make) my
testament in this manner folowing Trust for my ........
myghty God & all the cpany of
my body to the crystyn manner burial
also my best to the church of Lincoln
ijd Also I to Spratton church for
the Also to
the and for
and this dnt Also I bequeath of
my goods to my wife & my daughter either
of them five marks. also I pff to syng a trefall of psalms for
my myid
of my my
to john my son to lv for
my son & to reward my children . As
they after teyn ys of my two brethen I make
John my son and my brother
my exec. & Thomas Mayne my brother o-seer
This my last will these being wittns William Martyn of
Creytin, Rajartyn of o6 3
Most of the material on the Martins comes from Glenis Crocker, with
help from Robyn Lawther and Helen Millward. Glenis's material
prepared for the Martin reunion she organised has been quoted
directly here. They have traced the family back to the 16th century,
by a lot of detective work on old wills.
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to this page, please contact us
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Page last updated - 2025