Most of the material on the Martins comes from Glenis Crocker, with
help from Robyn Lawther and Helen Millward. Glenis's material
prepared for the Martin reunion she organised has been quoted
directly here. They have traced the family back to the 16th century,
by a lot of detective work on old wills.
Notes for Lawrence Pearson (b 1597) from FTM
In the name of God Amen. I Lawrence Peirson of Spratton in the
county of Northton ...... being sicke & weake in body but thanks
be to god of good memory do this nyntheenth day of December in the
yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixhundred fifty and one make
ordayne and Bqth my last will and testament in manner and form
following. first I bequeath my soule into the hands of
Almighty god that gave it mee trusting by the merritts of my
alone Saviour & Redeemer Jhesus chryst to bee saved and my body
to be buried in the church or churchyard of Spratton aforesaid.
ITEM I give unto my sonne Thomas Peirson & his heires all that
messuage & farmhouse with the appurtenances standing in the lane
in Spratton aforesaid And all that three quarters & a half
quarter of a yard land there unto belonging lying in the fields of
Spratton which my brother John left to his wife for her joynture
during her life. ITEM I give unto my three children Lawrence, John
& Elizabeth & theirs heires all my rights title and interest
whatsoever which I have of & in one messuage where I now live in
Spartton aforesaid with the appurtenances thereof to be equally
divided amongst them when they all come to one & twenty yeares
of age and if any of them dy before the divided amongst them then
the right & title of him her or them soe dying to go to the
surviving child or children thus......... of need not
have but I doe it least that doubt be any
defect in my brother devising of it to them. and my mind is for
those my younger children as my brother intended. ITEM I
give unto my beloved wife all that quarter of a yardland with the
appurtenances in Spratton aforesaid which I formerly had & ....
held in my own occupation to hold the same for Thomas of her life in
lieue & full sattisfaction of what joynture thi.. or dower she
might any way clayme or demand out of or in any the messuage, lands
loquom & homstead whom o I have ben seized during my
on..marriage with her. And for the better liviehood of &
mayntenance of her self & children I give unto her all that
quarter of a yard land in Spratton aforesaid called Chapman's
quarter with the appurtenances to hold the same during her
xxxxxxxxxxxx: life if she continues unmarried for longe and after
her marriage or death which shall first happen then I give &
bequeath the same to my eldest sonne Thomas & his heires, paying
to my two sonnes Lawrence & John the sum of thirty pounds a
peice within two months after my said wife shall marry or dye
if my said sonnes Lawrence & John shall be one and twenty years
of age apeice but if one or both of them be not one & twenty
years of age Then my will is that my sonne Thomas shall pay to him
or them that is one not one & twenty years of age the sum of
forty shillings a year a peice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at two usual
xxxxxxxxx days of payment in the year viz our Lady day &
Michael until he or they come to their several ages of one &
twenty yeares. And that my will is that he pay to my said
sonnes Lawrence & John the said thirty pounds a peice at their
several ages of one & twenty ITEM I give to my said sonne Thomas
& his heires after the death of my wife the said first mentioned
quartern of Land which I have given her for life in lieue of dower
paying to my said sonnes Lawrence & John thirty Pounds apeice
within three months after my wifes' death they be one & twenty
years age or at their several ages of xxxxxx one & twenty yeares
as they shall in order come to their several ages of one &
twenty yeares. And in the mean tyme untill they shall come to one
& twenty years of age to pay likewise to them the sum of fforty
shillings a year a peice at two usual payments in the year vizt the
feast of the Annunciation of our Lady & Saint Michael the
Archangel by even & equal Portions the first payment to beginne
at the first of the said feasts as shall first & next happen
after the death of my said wife if it be not within six weeks after.
And my will is the first payment of the forty
shillings a year paid before by .... appoynted to be payd unto them
Shall likewise beginn in like manner upon which of the days of
payment shall first & next happen after my wife's marriage or
death, provided always and my will is that in case for my
sonneThomas shall neglect & fayle to pay the said several sums
of thirty Pounds a peice to my two sonnes Lawrence & John in
such manner & .... as before I have appoynted to be payd
xxxxxxor several sums of forty shillings a peice
yearly until the said several thirty pounds- ....... and in that
manner as I have appoynted that then my former devise of the said
several quarter of land, after my wife's marriage or death to
my soone Thomas & his heires shall coass & be of none effect
. and I devise the said two several quartersof Land from and
after such default of payment xxxxxx as the several thirty pounds
& xxxxx of the said several annuity xx xxxx xxxxxxx xx or
any of them
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in as before I have appoynted to
my two sonnes Lawrence & John & theire several heires for
ever but my true meaning & will is that in case my sonne Thomas
doe mayntyne & keep xxxx both his brethren or syster of them
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwith meat drinkClothing & lodging that then
shall mot pay the said several annuities of several forty shillings
to my sonnes Lawrence & john if he maytayne them both tp which
of them he dot be maytayne ITEM I give unto my daughter
Elizabeth the sum of forty pounds to be payd unto her when she come
to three & twenty yeares of age and in the meantyme he make to
take care of her. ITEM I give unto my sonne Thomas my joymers
bedstead in the p lour & the long table in the hall, which my
brother John gave me. ITEM I give unto the poor of Spratton the sum
of five shillings to be xxxxxxxx payd to the overseers of Spratton
presently after my decease to be distributed amongst the poor
All the rest of my goods cattills & chattells, my debts being
payd & funral expenses discharged I give & bequeath
unto my beloved wife Elizabeth whome I make sole executrice of this
my last will & testament. revoking all known & other wills
by mee made And I desire my loving friends Mr John Ward and my
brother William Wibilow to bee overseers of this my last will In
witness this my will of Three sheets of paper to bee my last will
& testament sealed & published the day above written
Thomas Tomkins
\o/ Pearson
X Brown
Probate 13 March 1651 giving Mr thomas Pearson
.................. .
Notes for John Chadwick (Elizabeth's other Husband) from FTM
7 April 1675 indited together with Richard Norrice of Byfield and Wm
Shatchwell of Broughton for failing to apprehend divers rogues
vagabonds and sturdy beggars, thereby causing great damage of divers
persons of England, contrary to statute. Robert Hearen
Notes for Henry Chadwick (John Chadwick's Son) from FTM
In the Name of God Amen. I Henry Chadwick of Spraton in the County
of Northton, yeoman, being not firm in body but of perfect mind and
memory do make and ordaine this my last will and testament as
ffolloweth Impris, I give and bequeath my Soul to Almight God that
gave it desiring pardon for all my sins through the meritorious
death and passion of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and as for my
body to be buryed in a decent manner as my executor shall think
fitt, and as for my worldly goods the Lord in his mercy hath
bestowed upon me, I give and bequeath VIZ ; I give and bequeath my
son John Chadwick one hundred and fifty pounds of good and
lawful money to -be payed to him three years after my decease, upon
this condition that my son John Chadwick shall deliver up all his
Right and title that he hath or may have of one quartern and half
quartern of land to my son William Chadwick which said land was
given by a deed of gift to my son John by my my father John
Chadwick, the money not to be paid except the land delivered up to
my son William chadwick. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Ann
Chadwick half the movable goods in the house and halfe the stork of
Caos, Moats drink and lodging and all necesaries during her life
with my son William Chadwick, but if shall happen that they do
not live together, then I give and bequeath to my wife Ann Chadwick
five pounds a year to be paid yearly during her life and halfe the
goods in the house halfe the storks of coos, sixteen hundred of
Coales provided and brought her yearly, one cow in yard, and to have
during her life in the old house the parlour and parlour chamber and
the little room over the seller And lastly I make and ordaine my son
William Chadwick my full executor of this my last will and testament
and I give and bequeath all my goods and Chattels, my yard to
him upon this condition that he shall deliver up all the right
and title that he may have to that homestead where my brother John
liveth to my son John Chadwick, in witness I whereof have sett to my
hand and Seale this twenty seven day January in the years of our
Lord 1707/8
his mark John o
her mark Elizabeth
Tobitt l
Research Notes
LDS has Marriage:Lawrence Pearson and Alice Watts 01 Aug 1619
Spratton. No children for either Elizabeth or Alice IE Alice is as
good a fit as Elizabeth?
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