In the name of God Amen. the second day of Apriell in ye yeare of or
Lord God 1553 I Roger Pereson holle of mynd and memory but
syffcaffed in my body make this my last wyll & testament in
manner & forme folowying. Fyrst I bequeath my soule to Almighty
God to his mercie And to ye holy company of all
his saints and my body to be buryed in ye churchyard of saynt Andrew
at Spratton.First of my worldy goods I bequeath to my mother churche
of xc t bringht and to ye heyi Ault of
Spratton to be prayd for iiijd and to ye
f....... iiijs and to the bell iiij s .
Item I bequeath to Thomas myne eldest son iiijs. to John
my youngest son iiijs Itemn to my other yt & My
wyffe gocthe me the yf god fortune it to do well & to
lyver I bequeath also iiij yt god do his wyll of it then yt
iiij to be devydyd between mother and other n brethren and yf
god do his wyll upon any of the said children the I wyll
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx one to
be of the said chyldeon &
trew. I wyll and dipose ye aforesaid goods
or bequests. Item I wyll my son Thomas and John shall
inroye there aforesaid Legac of iiij
d a peace. Item at ye age of 21 years and
the otherchildd my wyffe joythe
noth all I wyll it shall Mioye ye aforesaid son of iiij
I.. and at ye age of twenty years. Item I wyll yt noho sonne shall
have ye governance of my said children and of theyr y..dyn shall put
in suertic to be bound to pay ye aforesaid legacie at suche tyme
& age of the children ..... before mentioned. Item wyll and
order to be my executor of this my last wyll Thomas Perrson my
father and Margaret my wyffe and to Margaret my said wyffe I
bequeath all ye defyderoc of my goods and bequests
And to my said father for his paynes to be tailym
herem £ iii iijd the bequest to
witness John Orpes of Creaton, Robe Canell of Little Creaton, Thomas
Penrdy & John Haddon and others of Spratton
Provedx 26 July 1554
Most of the material on the Martins comes from Glenis Crocker, with
help from Robyn Lawther and Helen Millward. Glenis's material
prepared for the Martin reunion she organised has been quoted
directly here. They have traced the family back to the 16th century,
by a lot of detective work on old wills.
If you have additions or corrections
to this page, please contact us
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Page last updated - 2025